
We’re all connected:



I pledge to do my best work for the highest good, & to practice my art as a way of awakening myself and others.
I offer myself and my materials to divine influence.


Born just outside of New York City, Randal Roberts is a self-taught American artist known for his unique expression of ornament and symbolism, as well as pop psychedelic imagery. After meeting Alex and Allyson Grey, Randal quit his factory job and began his life as an artist, producing iconic paintings in the new wave of visionary and psychedelic art in the Americas. Randal tours throughout the United States teaching, painting, and performing, often in collaboration with artist and partner, Morgan Mandala.

Read an interview with me from

Looking for more information about Randal & Morgan as dual live painters?

Performance Painting with Morgan


Please send original art inquiries, kind words and questions to:

Randal Roberts

Wholesale Inquiries


Fun & Sillyness

3.5 Years of My Life as a Movie
Goose’s Wisdom – Random Quote Generator

To You; cherished friends and family;
to the beautiful, absurd, creative flow and language of the universe; and to the global Love Tribe – gone, living, and to be:

Thank you.

I love you, and do my best for you.

who are you?